On 5 February, the Hydrocarbon Solvents’ Producers Association (HSPA) organized a workshop to teach its members the basics of the Reciprocal calculation procedure (RCP), a method to calculate occupational exposure limits (OEL) for hydrocarbon solvents and its blends.

The RCP calculator is a tool that enables industry users to calculate the exposition level (usually expressed in ml/m³ of air) of workers to a specific solvent. Hydrocarbon solvents are so-called Chemical Substances of Unknown or Variable Composition, Complex Reaction Products and Biological Materials (UVCB). The RCP method was created in order to streamline the calculation procedure and deduct similar OELs for similar substances.

The HSPA experts gave participants an overview of the historic background and an insight into the science behind the so- called group guidance values and substance specific values underpinning the RCP method. Participants were given practical advice on how to conduct workplace measurements. They also had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by using the RCP calculator.