400 business leaders send urgent call to Heads of State to implement the Clean Industrial Deal following high-level meeting with Commission President

26 February 2025, Brussels: One year after the launch of the Antwerp Declaration, 400 business leaders have reunited in Antwerp to discuss the just published Clean Industrial Deal with Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen. Ahead of the European Council meeting in March, industry is now calling on EU Heads of State to take urgent action across all EU Member States without any delay. 

27/02/2025 - Read more

Skills for the Petrochemicals Industry of Tomorrow: Transforming in the Green & Digital Age 

Petrochemicals Europe has joined ChemSkills Project, a new European-funded initiative addressing the digital and green transition in the chemical industry. ChemSkills is about making sure that education and industry are on the same page, creating a concrete plan to bridge the skills gap and getting the right support.  

20/02/2024 - Read more

Transition Plans Are Set To Become A Licence To Get Funding: Key Takeaways From The Transition Finance Event

An unprecedented industrial transformation that the chemical industry has to undergo by 2050 will require billions of investments over the next decades. So how can companies secure the appropriate funding to embark on the ambitious transition? More than 200 attendees gathered at a recent Transition Finance event organised in Chemelot, one of the EU’s largest chemical clusters to discuss strategies for accessing much-needed finance.

08/12/2023 - Read more

Cefic Publishes Chemical Industry’s Manifesto ‘Teaming Up For A Climate-Neutral And Competitive Europe’

Cefic has released its manifesto ‘Teaming up for a Climate-Neutral and Competitive Europe’ outlining its key priorities for the new EU institutional cycle. The manifesto emphasises the industry’s commitment to supporting the EU Green Deal and the importance of a legislative environment that facilitates the industry’s transition to 2050.

28/07/2023 - Read more

The journey of petrochemicals explained: from raw materials to 95% of all manufactured goods

We updated our flowchart illustrating the complex journey of petrochemicals from raw materials to everyday products. The update reflects the industry’s initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and diversify its feedstock.

16/03/2023 - Read more

A milestone moment for the European chemicals industry: the EU Chemical Industry Transition Pathway helps define the sector’s path to 2050

Petrochemicals Europe, an industry group of Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, welcomes the publication of the EU Chemical Industry Transition Pathway released by the European Commission as a first-of-a-kind report offering European industry a roadmap towards the EU Green Deal goals.

16/02/2023 - Read more

Petrochemicals industry on its journey towards sustainable future: BASF, SABIC and Linde start construction of the world’s first demonstration plant for large-scale electrically heated steam cracker furnaces

Up to a 90% reduction in GHG emissions? BASF, SABIC and Linde have started a pioneering project aiming to reduce the CO2 emissions by powering a steam cracker with electricity instead of fossil fuels.

02/09/2022 - Read more

Ozone episodes: latest news on the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme’s (EMEP) Intensive Measurement Period (IMP)

There is an identified need for a better understanding when it comes to tropospheric ozone. That is why the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme’s (EMEP) Intensive Measurement Period (IMP) is focusing on ozone episodes. ESIG, European Solvents Industry Group, is proud to sponsor this activity as part of its initiatives on improving the air quality.

18/08/2022 - Read more

Enabling Europe’s Resilience Towards An Open Strategic Autonomy: Diversify Supplies, Strengthen Ties And Accelerate Innovation

As Europe faces challenging times due to the impacts of the war in Ukraine, urgent action is needed to speed up Europe’s dependency on critical raw materials. In Cefic’s Digital Dialogue, featuring the Petrochemicals Europe Executive Director Frans Stokman, it was agreed that while full European autonomy is not feasible, or even desired, action is needed to build European resilience, including diversifying supplies of critical raw materials; strengthening diplomatic ties with third countries; and speeding up innovation to develop alternatives.

02/06/2022 - Read more

Solvents and air quality: updated EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook includes a chapter on the use of ESIG Solvent VOC inventories

European Environment Agency (EEA) and European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) have updated their joint guidance to NFR 2D3 Solvent and Product Use, featuring, amongst others, the solvents Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) inventories from European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG). The guidance explains the methodology and how to use ESIG’s data.

24/05/2022 - Read more

European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) updates its Solvents Human Exposure Database, the largest open source of solvent exposure data available

ESIG updates its Solvents Human Exposure Database with data from 2020 and 2021. The database contains detailed information on oxygenated and hydrocarbon solvents exposure published over the past 22 years, making it the largest open source of solvent exposure data available.

24/05/2022 - Read more

Environmental Footprint Compliant Secondary Dataset

ESIG has been collecting industry average data to develop cradle-to-gate life-cycle inventories for several solvents which are part of consumer products to facilitate the calculation of Product or Organisation Environmental Footprints (PEFs/OEFs) and assure that a solid Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) data base for solvent is available.

22/12/2021 - Read more

ESIG Solvent VOC emission inventories 2020

ESIG has finalised its 2020 solvent volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission inventories and results do seem in line with previous numbers: Solvent VOC emissions have stabilized in the EU28 since 2008.

22/12/2021 - Read more

25 years of ESIG and ESVOC

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) and the European Solvents Downstream Users Coordination Group (ESVOC) celebrated their 25 year anniversary

15/11/2021 - Read more

Solvents Human Exposure Database

The European Solvents Industry Group's (ESIG) has finalised the update of the Solvents Human Exposure Database which is now available on its website.

12/07/2021 - Read more

ESIG Solvents Award 2021

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) has launched the Solvents Award 2021 in order to highlight not only safe but also sustainable use of solvents with respect to health and safety, environmental improvements.

12/07/2021 - Read more

Our industry’s transition to deliver on the European Green Deal

Our revised mission, vision, and priorities reflect how the industry is transitioning to deliver on the European Green Deal. One of the main goals is to demonstrate the key role our industry plays in achieving EU’s climate-neutrality objective by 2050. To do so, we showcase many sustainable initiatives carried out by our member companies that contribute to a low-carbon and circular economy in the fields of (cracker) electrification, recycling, innovation, hydrogen etc. 

30/03/2021 - Read more

Clean hydrogen can contribute to reduce our industry’s carbon footprint

Carbon-neutral hydrogen could play a role to reduce the carbon footprint of the petrochemical industry by in the short-term providing low-carbon fuel to heat steam crackers’ furnaces and in the long-term feedstock to manufacture petrochemicals.

04/03/2021 - Read more

Reducing CO2 remains the industry’s number one priority in its sustainable transition

Our paper on methane shows that across the value chain from crude oil/natural gas to chemical products (e.g. plastics), the largest contributor to methane emissions is the exploration of gas and oil. Methane emissions at refineries and chemical plants are very small compared to the amount of CO2 that these plants release. Methane emissions are due to incomplete combustion in furnaces and boilers of refineries and fugitive emissions. Therefore, methane in the chemical industry should not be the greenhouse gas (GHG) that companies focus on when reducing their carbon footprint.

04/03/2021 - Read more

Challenges and opportunities facing the petrochemical sector

In an interview with Euro Petroleum Consultants, our Executive Director, Frans Stokman, discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the petrochemical sector following a challenging year and highlights the initiatives that our member companies have put in place to reduce their carbon footprint. 

02/02/2021 - Read more

The role of solvents in achieving the European green deal

Mid-January 2021, the European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG), a sector group of Petrochemicals Europe, held its first Stakeholder Day, which is part of a series of events on "Solvents & the European Green Deal". It focused on the sustainability and circular Economy aspects.

19/01/2021 - Read more

Industry acts to implement benzene exposure limit and protect workers’ health

Following the publication by the European Commission (EC) of its proposal for the revised benzene Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL), the industry has already started to develop implementation plans to comply with the value and the Cefic Aromatics Producers’ Association (APA) and Concawe have written guidelines to help refineries and petrochemical sites do so.

19/01/2021 - Read more

Responsible Care goes digital: launching the new Self-Assessment webtool

The Responsible Care initiative has launched its new self-assessment webtool, strengthening support for companies towards improving the safe production, handling and use of chemicals across supply chains.

19/11/2020 - Read more

Sustainable Fuels, a sector group of Petrochemicals Europe, lays out 2050 Vision

Sustainable Fuels, the voice of the fuel ethers industry in Europe, launched in October its Vision for 2050 at an event hosted by Angelika Niebler MEP. The Vision outlines the role of liquid fuels in the transport system of tomorrow, delivering affordable and carbon-neutral mobility for all of Europe’s citizens while meeting Europe’s objective of climate neutrality by 2050.

06/11/2020 - Read more

New Chemical Strategy For Sustainability

On 14 October, the European Commission adopted the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS). Cefic, to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs welcomed the new compliance, enforcement and innovation pro...

21/10/2020 - Read more

Europe’s petrochemicals industry initiatives to decarbonize & deliver on EU Green Deal

Petrochemicals Europe's member companies have already taken initiatives to reduce their own carbon footprint while fostering innovation in low-carbon technologies. These initiatives range from the electrification of steam crackers to CCS/CCU and circular economy projects.

03/07/2020 - Read more

Live Webinar: safe handling of N-Methyl Pyrrolidone (NMP)

Petrochemicals Europe’s BDO sector group organised a one-hour webinar in cooperation with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to explain the N-Methyl Pyrrolidone (NMP) guideline that gives recommendations on how to comply with the restriction and protect workers. The Webinar had a record attendance of 175 participants. It featured speakers from ECHA, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Lyondell Chemie and Cefic.

08/05/2020 - Read more

Role of chemical industry in the fight against COVID-19

The European chemical industry has been playing an essential role during the COVID-19 crisis. Cefic has just published a map of Europe featuring all the initiatives taken by the industry to help provide critical supplies such as disinfectants, protective equipments, fuel, diagnostic tests etc.

07/05/2020 - Read more

Frans Stokman becomes Executive Director of Petrochemicals Europe

On 1 May, Frans Stokman took up the position of Executive Director of Petrochemicals Europe, an industry sector of Cefic.  Frans has extensive experience in the global oil, gas and petrochemical industry. He worked for over 25 years for Shell, from which he resigned before joining Cefic as a fully employed director.

04/05/2020 - Read more

The European Chemical Industry ’s COVID-19 Helpdesk

The outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe has affected all of us including the chemical industry, which has been playing a crucial role in helping Governments, other industrial sectors and communities to tackle the crisis. Our industry’s top priority has been to ensure the health and safety of our employees and to secure supplies of critical chemicals into medical, environmental and food supply chains amidst border closures and lockdown measures.

21/04/2020 - Read more

EU chemical industry offers recommendations to help keep critical supply chains running

Following the COVID-19 outbreak and emergency measure taken by governments across the EU, Cefic to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs sent a letter to the European Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen with a number of key suggestions our logistic experts have developed to quickly allow easier and faster transport of essential goods throughout Europe.

19/03/2020 - Read more

Chemical industry calls for sectoral Green Deal

In a statement reacting to the publication of EU's new Industrial Strategy on 10 March, Cefic urges EU institutions to adopt a “sectoral Green Deal for the chemical industry”. Following the publication on 11 March of the Circular Economy Action Plan, Cefic issued a statement stressing that the chemical industry enables a circular economy by developing breakthrough technologies such as chemical recycling.

11/03/2020 - Read more

Chemical industry supports Green Deal and Europe’s ambition to become climate neutral by 2050

Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, issued a statement reacting to the publication of the European Commission’s proposal for an EU Climate Law.

04/03/2020 - Read more

UK Solvents Industry Association confirms ‘business as usual’ with EU partners post-Brexit

The UK Solvents Industry Association (SIA) has confirmed that their close cooperation with the European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) part of Petrochemicals Europe, an industry sector of Cefic, will remain undiminished throughout and beyond the transition period as the UK prepares to leave the European Union.

04/03/2020 - Read more

NMP Workshop on the “Safe Handling of NMP and the ECHA guideline for users ”

The Cefic BDO & Derivatives sector group will organise on 18 March in cooperation with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) a workshop on the NMP (1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone) safe handling guideline that ECHA published in July 2019. The aim of the event is to explain how the guideline can help users of NMP comply with the REACH restriction.

26/02/2020 - Read more

Brexit: chemical Industry reiterates need to maintain smooth trade between EU and UK

On 25 February, the EU and UK chemical industry have outlined their priorities for a future partnership reacting to the formal approval of a new Brexit negotiation mandate by the EU General Affairs Council.

26/02/2020 - Read more

Petrochemicals industry: largest investor in EU chemical sector in 2018

The recently-published Cefic 2020 facts and figures show that petrochemicals account for over one quarter (25.4%) of EU chemical sales in 2018 and is the largest investor in the EU chemical sector, followed by plastics and “auxiliary for industry” with €6.5 billion.

17/01/2020 - Read more

Masterplan of energy-intensive industries

Cefic, to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs, signed the “Masterplan for a Competitive Transformation of EU Energy-intensive Industries Enabling (EIIs) a Climate-neutral, Circular Economy by 2050” calling for the inclusion of a strong and ambitious industrial policy in the European Green Deal.

28/11/2019 - Read more

European Industries call for ambitious industrial strategy

On 26 November, Industry4Europe, a coalition of 149 sector associations representing the diversity of the EU’s industrial base, including the chemical industry published its new Joint Paper ‘A long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future: from words to action’. Through cross-sectoral recommendations, the Industry4Europe coalition contributes to the future EU industrial strategy announced by European Commission President-Elect Ursula von der Leyen.

26/11/2019 - Read more

ESIG Award winner highlights important role of digitalisation in supply chain management

The ESIG Solvents Award ceremony took place in Brussels on 6 November during the General Assemblies of the Oxygenated Solvents Producers Association (OSPA) and the Hydrocarbon Solvents Producers Association (HSPA). After the award ceremony, ESIG interviewed Gesche Weger, Packwise CEO who explains how the start-up was created and what the technology can bring to the chemical industry in terms of digitalisation and sustainability.

14/11/2019 - Read more

The Circular Plastics Alliance to boost chemical recycling

On 20 September, the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs signed the Declaration of the Circular Plastics Alliance. The Alliance is the EU-wide voluntary movement to increase recycling and the uptake of recycled plastics in the EU by 2025.

23/09/2019 - Read more

ECHA publishes advice on how to comply with NMP restriction

A new guidance document is available for industrial users of 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), one of Petrochemicals Europe’s products, to help them comply with the substance’s restriction requirements and protect workers’ health and the environment. Available NOW in 23 languages!

11/09/2019 - Read more

Solvents Award winner shows innovation in digitalisation

The European Solvents Industry Group, ESIG, a sector group of Petrochemicals Europe (Cefic), has awarded the Solvents Award 2019 to Packwise GmbH for its “smart IBC industrial containers”. Its project showcases innovation in the field of digitalisation.

09/09/2019 - Read more

European Fuel Oxygenates Association (EFOA) becomes Sustainable Fuels

EFOA, part of Petrochemicals Europe, unveiled yesterday its new identity: "Sustainable Fuels: Driving Cleaner Mobility with Fuel Ethers". This new identity reflects its values and the contribution fuel ethers make to reducing transport emissions across Europe.

03/07/2019 - Read more

Cefic Action Plan to help REACH registrants review chemical safety data

Cefic to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs has launched a voluntary multi-annual Action Plan for Review and Improvement of REACH Dossiers. The Action Plan provides a framework for companies – holders of REACH registrations – to evaluate their safety data already submitted under REACH.

26/06/2019 - Read more

Molecule Managers: Cefic presents vision for EU chemical industry

Cefic belongs has just launched its Vision of the Future of Europe and the chemical industry in 2050. This report is an initiative of the EU chemical industry to describe a plausible path toward a prosperous, more sustainable Europe in the year 2050.

26/06/2019 - Read more

Solvents Award finalists show innovation in sustainability & digitalisation

The European Solvents Industry Group, a sector group of Cefic (Petrochemicals Europe), has announced the selection of five finalists for the Solvents Award 2019. The candidates showcase innovations of solvents’ downstream users in the fields of sustainability and digitalisation.

24/06/2019 - Read more

Defining occupational exposure limit to prevent benzene’s adverse health effects

The Aromatics Producers Association (APA) will organise on 11 September 2019 a symposium entitled “Preventing benzene's adverse health effects: considerations in occupational exposure limit development” bringing together relevant stakeholders from academia, regulatory authorities and industry to analyse available human data and help define a safe exposure level for the substance.

20/06/2019 - Read more

Solvents Industry Sector provides guidance to comply with REACH

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) published an article in the European Coatings Journal, June 2019 edition explaining how it helps solvent manufactures and downstream users comply with REACH requirements.

19/06/2019 - Read more

Petrochemicals Europe appoints new leadership

Silvio Ghyoot joins Cefic as new Executive Director of Petrochemicals Europe, an industry sector of Cefic. Meanwhile, Rob Ingram, CEO, INEOS Olefins & Polymers Europe North has been appointed as new Chairman of the Petrochemicals Europe Board, succeeding Pieter Platteeuw from The Dow Chemical Company.

17/06/2019 - Read more

We Are Making REACH Work

Following on from the publication of The BUND Report on REACH dossier quality, Cefic to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs reiterated its commitment to make REACH work. REACH is the largest environmental regulation produced by the European Union, and companies are continuing to work hard on its implementation.

21/05/2019 - Read more

Young workers highlight chemical industry’s key role in sustainability

In the context of Petrochemicals Europe’s “young ambassadors” campaign, chemical companies from all over Europe interviewed young workers representing the diversity of the industry in terms of gender, nationality, educational background and job profile.  Listen to young employees working for the European chemical industry who explain why the industry is a frontrunner in innovation and a key enabler for sustainability!

14/05/2019 - Read more

German chemical association appoints new Director General

The Board of the Association of the German Chemical Industry (VCI) has just appointed Dr. Wolfgang Große Entrup as new Director General. As of 1 October 2019, he will replace Utz Tillmann who has held the position since 2008 and will retire.

05/04/2019 - Read more

Petrochemicals Europe wins European Award

We are proud to announce that Petrochemicals Europe won the European Association Awards 2019 in the category of the best association website. We would like to thank the jury for giving us recognition for the revamp of our website. It is the result of several months of hard work and excellent cooperation within our team.

03/04/2019 - Read more

Chemical industry contribution to global economy

The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) published a report entitled "The Global Chemical Industry: Catalyzing Growth and Addressing Our World’s Sustainability Challenges", which shows that the industry contributes an estimated $5.7 trillion to global GDP and supports 120 million jobs worldwide.

02/04/2019 - Read more

In Memoriam Of Vincent Navez

Our well respected and talented Cefic colleague, Vincent Navez, passed away on 28 March. Our thoughts are with his family and all that are dear to him.

29/03/2019 - Read more

EU/UK Business says “no deal Brexit” must be avoided

In a statement signed by 15 European associations including the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) and the UK Chemical Industries Association (CIA), European businesses are calling to avoid a "no deal Brexit" that could result in major disruption of supply chains across all industries and threaten jobs.

13/03/2019 - Read more

EU chemical output declines slightly amid global economic downturn

February chemical trends report confirms a slight fall in EU chemicals output in the second half of last year. Down by about 1% on 2017, production was affected by a slowdown in the global economy.

28/02/2019 - Read more

EU chemical industry committed to making REACH work.

Cefic, the organisation to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs, published a statement indicating that EU chemical industry is committed to making REACH work. It acknowledges that data gaps need to be tackled more swiftly and efficiently.

28/02/2019 - Read more

Young ambassadors’ campaign goes live

Petrochemicals Europe has just launched the young ambassadors’ digital campaign in order to bridge the skill gap, attract more young people into STEM and the (petro-)chemical industry and put a human face on the industry. It is also a way to showcase the industry’s diversity and highlight the contribution it makes to a sustainable society.

21/02/2019 - Read more

Chemical industry calls for Brexit deal

In a joint statement the Director General of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), Marco Mensink and the Chief Executive of the Chemical Industries Association, Steve Elliott called for an agreed Brexit deal. The absence of an exit agreement between the UK and the EU would have major implications for Europe as a whole.

07/02/2019 - Read more

ESIG launches the Solvents Award 2019

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) launched on 1st February the Solvents Award 2019 in order to highlight not only safe but also sustainable use of solvents with respect to health and safety, environmental improvements.

01/02/2019 - Read more

Petrochemicals Europe: finalist for European Associations Award best website

Petrochemicals Europe has been shortlisted for the European Associations Award 2019 in the category of the best association website. Since its launch in April 2018, our revamped website has proved very successful in reaching out to key target audiences and achieving its main objectives.

23/01/2019 - Read more

EU funded “MMAtwo” project on plastic recycling takes first actions

The “MMAtwo” project, which aims at improving Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) recycling technology, has been granted funds from Horizon 2020, the EU Research & Innovation programme (2017-2020). The project launched in October 2018 has already moved forward with the organisation in November of a visit to a recycling facility for its partners to identify process steps.

22/01/2019 - Read more

European chemical industry call for Brexit solution

Following the Brexit deal rejection by British MPs on 15 January, Cefic to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs urged policy-makers to find a solution in order to avoid uncertainty about the state of play after 29 March 2019.

16/01/2019 - Read more

Antwerp: location of first petrochemicals steam cracker built in Europe in 20 years

INEOS, one of Petrochemicals Europe's member company, announced on 15 January Antwerp as the location of the first petrochemicals steam cracker to be built in Europe in 20 years.

16/01/2019 - Read more

Cefic expects modest growth of EU chemical industry in 2019

The European Chemical Industry Council, Cefic, to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs expects a modest 0,5% growth in 2019 compared to 2018 due to a decline in demand from the automotive industry in...

17/12/2018 - Read more

EU 2050 climate strategy: Cefic highlights importance of keeping industry competitive

On 28 November, the European Commission presented its scenarios outlining ways the EU economy can reach carbon-neutrality by 2050. These scenarios require a huge transformation of all sectors of the e...

30/11/2018 - Read more

UK and EU chemical industry highlights importance of Brexit deal

The chemical industry in the UK and EU-27 have welcomed an agreed text on the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union and a future trading relationship. This is all the more important for the petrochemical sector since chemicals derived from oil and gas account for 30% of EU chemicals' trade with the UK.

16/11/2018 - Read more

New website highlights benefits of coal chemicals

Cefic’s Coal Chemicals Sector Group (CCSG), the association representing European producers of chemicals derived from coal, has just re-branded its image and changed its name into Coal Chemicals Europe. A brand new website is now up and running to inform a broader public about the benefits of coal chemicals.

13/11/2018 - Read more

Port of Antwerp, largest petrochemical cluster in Europe, leads way in sustainability & digitalization

In four interviews, representatives of Antwerp Port Authority depict a performing, sustainable and modern petrochemical cluster that foreshadows the industry of tomorrow. In close cooperation with the Port Authority, petrochemical companies located at the Port of Antwerp strive to minimize their environmental footprint via initiatives like "Zero Pellet Loss", optimize their resources and digitalize plants’ operation thanks to online tools like "NxtPort".

29/10/2018 - Read more

Chemical industry and NGOs call for UK to remain within REACH post-Brexit

On 16 October, Cefic, CHEM Trust, the European Environment Bureau (EEB) and the UK Chemical Industries Association (CIA) published an Open Letter to all EU Heads of State in the Financial Times to urge the UK and EU-27 governments to allow the UK to remain within REACH and to participate in the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) post-Brexit. 

18/10/2018 - Read more

Petrochemicals Europe Head shares her thoughts on state of European industry

In the run-up to EPCA Annual Meeting, Dorothee Arns, Executive Director of Petrochemicals Europe, reflected on the current state of the European petrochemicals industry in interviews with two major trade journals: ICIS and Chemical Week.

09/10/2018 - Read more

Borealis announces new petrochemical investment in Europe

Borealis, one of Petrochemicals Europe’s members, announced on 6 October that it would build a world-scale petrochemical plant in Antwerp, Belgium to produce propylene, one of the most important building blocks for the chemical industry by 2022.

08/10/2018 - Read more

PMMA recycling project granted Horizon 2020 funds

The “MMAtwo” project, which aims at improving Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) recycling technology, has been selected by the European Commission within the SPIRE-10 call to receive funds from Horizon 2020, the EU Research & Innovation programme (2017-2020). The project could unleash a significant recycling potential and turn the PMMA consumption model from a linear to a more circular one.

24/09/2018 - Read more

Cefic calls for an ambitious industrial strategy

Cefic to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs presented its Manifesto for a Competitive Europe at the EU Council Competitiveness & Growth Working Party meeting on 17 September. It outlines specific recommendations from the chemical industry aimed at reinforcing the industry’s role as an enabler of all other manufacturing sectors.

18/09/2018 - Read more

Petrochemicals Europe goes to parliament on STEM & gender equality

How to attract more women to highly-qualified jobs like STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)? How to tap the female potential more for all major decision-making processes in society?

14/09/2018 - Read more

INEOS announces major investment in new petrochemicals plants

INEOS, a member company of Petrochemicals Europe, announced on 3 July that it would build an ethane steam cracker and a propane dehydrogenation unit in North West Europe. The steam cracker will be the first to be constructed in Europe in over 20 years.

04/07/2018 - Read more

EU chemical industry continues to grow

The EU chemicals sector continued to grow during the first quarter of 2018, but at a slower pace due to the Eurozone economy’s slowdown. Exports to the US rose by nearly 20% in value compared to last year. Petrochemicals accounted for 87% of the exports' increase, although production decreased.

04/07/2018 - Read more

10 years of REACH: turning it into a competitive advantage for Europe’s industry

As the REACH registration deadline (31 May) has passed, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and Cefic signed a cooperation agreement on 15 June to further improve REACH implementation.“The European chemical industry is looking to the EU and member states to make sure REACH becomes a competitive advantage for the European industry”, says Cefic.

15/06/2018 - Read more

What is the state of Europe’s petrochemical industry?

Dorothee Arns, Executive Director, Petrochemicals Europe, gave the keynote address at the Hydrocarbon Processing’s International Refining and Petrochemical Conference (IRPC) Europe. Her presentation provided a detailed overview of the current state of the European petrochemical industry.

15/06/2018 - Read more

Solvents industry gets ECHA recognition

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG)'s Generic Exposure Scenarios use maps are now available in the use maps library of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to help REACH registrants and substance users prepare their chemical safety assessment.  It is a major recognition of the work ESIG has done in cooperation with downstream users.

15/06/2018 - Read more

Solvents Industry Group becomes partner in European agency’s safety at work campaign

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) is once again a partner in the new campaign of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) for 2018/2019 entitled “Managing Dangerous Substances” that was launched on 24 April.

26/04/2018 - Read more

Petrochemicals Europe’s staff visits Port of Antwerp

In February, as part of an induction programme for new comers, Petrochemicals Europe’s staff headed to Antwerp to visit the Port and the BASF petrochemicals site. It gave them the opportunity to get an insight into how the second-largest petrochemical cluster in the world works.

26/04/2018 - Read more

European chemical industry benefits from global economic growth

The EU chemical industry continues to grow in 2018 benefiting from a positive global and European economic context. Production increased by 2.6% from January to February 2018 compared to the same period last year.

23/04/2018 - Read more

Petrochemicals’ production to be most important growth driver for global oil demand up to 2030, says McKinsey expert

Interviewed by Petrochemicals Europe, Jasper van de Staaij, Manager, McKinsey Energy Insights and leader of the Global Energy Perspective team, points out that the petrochemicals sector will be the most important growth driver for global oil demand, adding four of seven MMb/d oil demand growth between 2020 and 2030.

27/03/2018 - Read more

Improving air quality through better, cleaner and more efficient fuels

Higher performing (high octane) fuels such as fuel ethers play a significant role in mitigating air pollution today. Using fuel ethers as blending components of petrol increases its performance and reduces emissions that impact human health and the environment.

16/03/2018 - Read more

Regulation does shape profitability

In an article written for Chemistry Today, Dorothee Arns, Executive Director of Petrochemicals Europe, explains why streamlining EU regulation is necessary to preserve the industry's competitiveness while maintaining high environment and safety standards.

16/01/2018 - Read more

The EU chemical industry regains confidence following the overall economic recovery

The updated Cefic facts and figures  show that there has been a solid 3% growth of chemical output in the EU in 2017, driven by a growing demand from customer industries. 

16/01/2018 - Read more

European chemical industry unites over post-Brexit future for the continent’s manufacturing backbone

On 14 November, Cefic (the European Chemical Industry Council) and CIA (the Chemical Industries Association) signed a statement.

14/11/2017 - Read more

High octane fuels to play major role in reaching EU clean mobility targets

On 9 November, the European Fuel Oxygenates Association (EFOA) welcomed the proposal for revised CO2 standards for new passenger cars and  for new light commercial vehicles published by the European Commission. 

14/11/2017 - Read more

European institutions reach provisional compromise on EU ETS reform

On 9 November, the Council, European Parliament and European Commission have reached a provisional political deal on reforming the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS).

14/11/2017 - Read more

Chemical industry has major role to play in sustainable transition

The recently published Cefic Sustainability report and ChemistryCan website show that the chemical industry including its petrochemistry arm has an important part to play in maintaining our growth and prosperity, and in our transition to a sustainable society.

07/11/2017 - Read more

Higher octane fuels: Powering a sustainable future

The European Fuel Oxygenates Association (EFOA) has just published a leaflet showing how higher-octane fuels can help Europe achieve its transport objectives on pollutant and CO2 reduction, as well as on energy efficiency. 

07/11/2017 - Read more

European Commission pushes for stronger and more innovative industry

With the publication on 13 September of a new industrial strategy for Europe, the European Commission (EC) puts industrial policy back on top of EU’s agenda.  

14/09/2017 - Read more

Port of Antwerp: a world-class integrated petrochemical cluster

The port of Antwerp illustrates perfectly one of the major assets of the chemical industry in Europe: its integrated sites (“Verbund”). 

05/09/2017 - Read more

Investing in R&I, key to making chemical industry low carbon by 2050 says report

A new DECHEMA study analyses how the EU’s chemical sector can become low-carbon by 2050. It shows that although most of the low-carbon technologies are already available, they require huge investments in research and innovation to improve processes and make them competitive.

24/07/2017 - Read more

Why join the (petro-) chemical industry

Petrochemicals Europe has just adopted a position paper highlighting the benefits of working for an industry that builds the future.

05/07/2017 - Read more

Providing essential building blocks for a sustainable future

In interview to the Polish Chemistry magazine, Dorothée Arns, Petrochemicals Europe's Executive Director explains why petrochemistry is at the bottom of a house of cards for the European chemical industry and the overall economy.

29/06/2017 - Read more

European chemical industry’s commitment to Paris agreement

Following on from US President Trump’s announcement that he will withdraw from the Paris agreement, Cefic, the European chemical industry association, published a statement reiterating its commitment to a strong global climate change agreement. 

02/06/2017 - Read more

NMP producers urge downstream users to participate in EU consultation

Downstream users are strongly encouraged to participate by 2nd June in the European Commission (EC)'s public consultation on NMP classification to prevent it from being included in the REACH authorisation list.

18/05/2017 - Read more

Petrochemicals make things happen

In an article written for Chemistry Today,  Dorothee Arns, Petrochemicals Europe's Executive Director, explains the importance of the industry in EU's economy and the macroeconomic factors shaping it.

04/05/2017 - Read more

Innovation is key to Europe’s petrochemical industry future, says academic

In an interview, Samuele Furfari, Professor at the ULB, the French-speaking university of Brussels, explains why technological evolution drives geopolitics and not the other way round.

27/04/2017 - Read more

Report confirms European petrochemicals’ competitive disadvantage

The latest Cefic chemical trends’ report shows that European petrochemicals did not benefit during the first two months of 2017 contrary to the rest of the chemical industry from the expected global economic recovery. 

25/04/2017 - Read more

Energy-intensive industry’s alliance calls for fair EU ETS

Cefic, to which Petrochemicals Europe belongs, signed together with 16 other associations representing energy-intensive sectors a statement urging EU decision-makers to reform the EU Emission Trading System (ETS) in such a way that it preserves the European industry’s competitiveness.

24/04/2017 - Read more

European solvents industry group (ESIG) revamps its website

With its modernized and mobile-friendly design, the new website of ESIG provides a lot of information on the use of solvents by downstream users, regulators, EU policy-makers and the general public.  

18/04/2017 - Read more

Accenture publishes report on circular economy in the European chemical sector

Accenture has published a new report that demonstrates the potential of the EU chemical industry to be a driver for the success of the circular economy. 

23/03/2017 - Read more

Oil demand for petrochemicals expected to grow significantly, says IEA expert

Interviewed by Petrochemicals Europe, Tae-Yoon Kim, Energy Analyst at the IEA and one of the World Energy Outlook 2016 (WEO)'s authors points out that oil demand for petrochemicals will continue to grow up to 2040, because few technologically and economically viable alternatives to fossil feedstock are available. 

16/03/2017 - Read more

Petrochemicals Europe welcomes rejection by Council of EU ETS tiered approach

The EU Council carried out this week negotiations on the Emissions Trading System (ETS). 

03/03/2017 - Read more

Reform of EU Emissions Trading on the way: EU chemical industry welcomes positive vote on EU ETS

Brussels, 15 February 2017 – Cefic congratulates the European Parliament under the leadership of MEP Ian Duncan, on the result of today's Plenary vote on the EU Emissions Trading System.

16/02/2017 - Read more

New Cefic specialty chemicals website goes live

Brussels, 7 February 2017 – Cefic has launched a new website focusing on specialty chemicals, to respond to the growing demand for information. Specialty chemical clusters represent over 50 sectors of the European fine and consumer chemicals industry, and its membership counts more than 80% small- to mid-sized enterprises (SMEs).

08/02/2017 - Read more

No to discrimination: Chemical industry calls for fair emissions trading system

Brussels, 3 February 2017 – Ahead of a plenary vote on 14 February, the EU chemical industry calls for a fair reform of Europe’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) together with other affected European manufacturing industries.

06/02/2017 - Read more

Time to put industry at the heart of the Energy Union

Brussels, 2 February 2017 – If EU lawmakers want to truly champion a clean energy revolution, the role of Europe’s manufacturing industry as energy producer and consumer will be a key success factor, said Cefic, reacting to Vice-President Sefcovic’s State of the Energy Union speech.

02/02/2017 - Read more

IMPROVING DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: A Guide to Best Practices for the Global Petrochemical Industry (2017)

The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) has just published its annual report on diversity and inclusion in the petrochemical industry.

26/01/2017 - Read more

EU chemicals business confidence improves slightly

According to the monthly Cefic Chemicals Trends Report of January 2017, output in the EU chemicals sector saw no growth during the first eleven months of 2016 compared to the same period one year ago.

26/01/2017 - Read more

Petrochemical industry makes significant contribution to EU Circular Economy

Petrochemicals Europe adopted in December 2016 a Position Paper welcoming the EU Commission´s circular economy concept.

24/01/2017 - Read more

Officials Offer Downstream Predictions for 2017

Dorothee Arns, Executive Director, Petrochemicals Europe, European Council of the Chemical Industry (Cefic), Brussels, Belgium “The regulatory and legislative outlook for the downstream industry...

13/01/2017 - Read more

Europe has started resisting against competition from North America

Confronted with a dynamic petrochemical industry in North America, the European petrochemical industry has been investing for years to modernize the sector. This strategy includes among other things the integration of production sites to maintain competitiveness on the market. Source: Infochimie magazine read more (available only in French)

13/01/2017 - Read more

EU chemical industry reacts to Winter Package

Cefic, the EU chemical industry association, welcomes the ‘Winter Package’, launched by the European Commission on November 30. However, “It is markets, not targets that will drive change", said Marco Mensink, Cefic Director General.  read more  

01/12/2016 - Read more

The Chemical Industry, stable in turbulent times

Cefic's latest economic report shows the continuing resilience of the EU chemical sector as it turns to new commercial pathways. Key announcements stressing the need for an investment friendly and attractive Europe were made during the 2016 General Assembly.   read more >>

11/10/2016 - Read more

Cefic unveils Responsible Care Industry Award winners

On the occasion of its 2016 General Assembly which took place in Florence, Cefic announced on October 7th the winners of this year's prestigious European Responsible Care Awards. Recognising the top achievers in the EU chemical industry towards excellence in health, safety and environmental standards.   read more >>

10/10/2016 - Read more

Ongoing regulatory pressure on petrochemicals

Dorothee ARNS gave an interview on the ongoing regulatory pressure on the European petrochemical industry at the 50th annual European Petrochemical Association (EPCA). Listen to the interview.

05/10/2016 - Read more

Petrochemicals: room for growth?

Dorothee Arns talks to Platts Petrochemicals on how to improve the competitiveness of the pretrochemicals industry in Europe; the regulatory burden; the EU Cost Cumulative Assessment; the impact of Brexit. Listen to the interview

27/09/2016 - Read more

Live: EU begins to talk life after UK

The negotiations haven't even started yet, with the now infamous Article 50 yet to be triggered by Theresa May's government. Things are starting to take shape and the news will come thick and fast. Follow EurActiv's live feed for all the latest developments and talking points.

26/09/2016 - Read more

Dead or alive? European business will keep fighting for TTIP

Senior business representatives, including Rene van Sloten, Cefic Executive Director for Industrial Policy, defended the need to conclude TTIP. Said van Sloten, "Trade already takes place with or without TTIP. But with TTIP in place, SMEs would benefit with reduced red tape.

26/09/2016 - Read more

A possible Blueprint for EU Rulemaking?

Dorothee Arns talked to US-based DownstreamToday on the outcome of the Commission study on the benefits of EU Chemical Legislation. Read the interview.

05/09/2016 - Read more

BDO Webinar – Save the date

The BDO & Derivatives sector group organises on 19 October a Webinar addressing the "Voluntary code to control BDO/GBL supply chain". Agenda and Registration form available on the BDO web page.

05/09/2016 - Read more

European Market Review 2015

Find out how ethylene, propylene benzene and their derivatives performed in Europe in 2015.  For the first time since January 2015 Turkey has submitted data for some substances. Read more

11/08/2016 - Read more

Chemical industry key enabler for future EU transport sector

The European Commission published its strategy to decarbonise the EU transport sector. Cefic has welcomed it as offering important potential for new innovation and markets for the EU chemical industry as we develop low carbon technology solutions.

25/07/2016 - Read more

New Commission study shows high regulatory costs for EU chemical industry

A new Commission study on the total cost of EU legislation for Europe's chemical companies shows a doubling of costs between 2004 and 2014, amounting to about 10 billion euro per year.

15/07/2016 - Read more

EU Chemicals Industry flat production growth

According to the monthly Cefic Chemicals Trends Report July 2016 the EU Chemicals industry is still experiencing flat production growth in first 4 months of 2016.

07/07/2016 - Read more

Petrochemical Production Statistics Q1 2016

Western Europe Production stats Q1 2016  for ethylene, propylene and butadiene increased by an average 12% vs Q1 2015. Check table

01/07/2016 - Read more

Register Now: Cefic REACH networking event supports best practice in chemical safety

On Friday 1 July 2016, Cefic welcomes a core group of stakeholders for a REACH event to share the latest information on REACH and unite delegates from companies, associations, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA), the European Commission, and competent authorities to exchange views and experiences .

29/06/2016 - Read more

Low oil price did not solve structural problems

Attending Polska Chemia Congress, D Arns talks about the challenges facing the EU petrochemical industry https://youtu.be/n7P-VrhviPI.

22/06/2016 - Read more

Joint industry statement examines EU Commission s proposal on endocrine disruptors

In response to the EU Commission’s publication of its proposal for a definition of endocrine disruptors (EDs), a joint statement was launched today by the EU chemical industry council (Cefic) together with PlasticsEurope and the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA).

16/06/2016 - Read more

Economic report shows major role of TTIP for EU chemical SMEs

Brussels, June 6, 2016 – The latest figures from Cefic demonstrate the growing importance of the United States as a trading partner for future prospects. This underlines the need to conclude an ambitious TTIP without delay.

09/06/2016 - Read more

Setting the right criteria for endocrine disruptors

Achieving regulatory clarity on endocrine disruptors is in everyone's interest.  Cefic analyses the setting of the right criteria to identify endocrine disruptors. Read more.

08/06/2016 - Read more

New Emissions Trading System draft report recognises but doesn t address industry challenges

Brussels, June 1, 2016 – This week Ian Duncan MEP released his draft report with proposals for much needed reform of Europe’s Emissions Trading System (ETS), which aims to reduce industrial carbon emissions.

06/06/2016 - Read more

China Petrochemicals Summit

Guest speaker Dorothee Arns delivering today on interconnections between economic and environmental trends at China Petrochemicals Summit

02/06/2016 - Read more

Chemical safety in the circular economy is ‘non-negotiable’

Brussels, May 26, 2016 – Chemical safety in the circular economy is non-negotiable - this is the view expressed by Peter Smith, Executive Director of Product Stewardship at Cefic during a live panel debate at the Helsinki Chemical Forum today.

27/05/2016 - Read more

Total CEO: Europe needs independent carbon market regulator

The chief executive of French oil and gas giant Total -Patrick Pouyanne- has said Europe needs an independent carbon market regulator with clear objectives rather than the current mix of state administrators and the European Commission that has complicated the market.

23/05/2016 - Read more

Challenges & Opportunities for an Energy Efficient Europe

 On 21 June, Cefic will unite EU policymakers, senior industry representatives and important stakeholders to discuss the upcoming review of the Energy Efficiency Directive at a dedicated workshop at the Brussels Press Club.

12/05/2016 - Read more

EU chemical industry spells out proposals for enhancing EU policy

Cefic launched three new proposals highlighting how the European Commission’s Better Regulation Agenda can better support growth and innovation in Europe.

02/05/2016 - Read more

New report shows rising challenges for competitiveness of EU chemicals

new report shows that despite growing global demand for chemicals and better environmental and energy efficiency performance of the European chemical industry, the competitive pressures on the sector continue to rise.

22/04/2016 - Read more

Is it possible to reduce CO2 emissions and grow the global economy?

Yale Environment 360: Surprising new statistics show that the world economy is expanding while global carbon emissions remain at the same level. Is it possible that the elusive ‘decoupling’ of emi...

15/04/2016 - Read more

Petrochemicals Production Statistics

Statistics for calendar year 2015 available here for production of ethylene, propylene, butadiene in EU15 + NO. 

07/04/2016 - Read more

Safety Assessment of Solvents Webinar

Register to the free webinar "Safety Assessment of Solvents for consumer use with EGRET v2", 7 April 3.00 pm CET

06/04/2016 - Read more

Jury announced for EU 12th Responsible Care awards: Apply now!

Cefic is pleased to announce the line-up for this year’s jury, who will select a winner for the 12th edition of the European Responsible Care Awards.

04/04/2016 - Read more

Let’s not waste the chance: Cefic calls for ambitious Waste Framework Directive

Brussels, March 23rd 2016 - A new Cefic position paper points to missed opportunities in the proposed reform of the Waste Directive to enhance implementation of the Circular Economy and benefit business and the environment.

24/03/2016 - Read more

Reforming the EU ETS: Let s go for a competitive and innovative Europe

The EU is currently working on reforms to its Emissions Trading System (ETS) for 2021-30. A clear vision is essential to reach Europe’s ambitious climate goals while supporting competition and innovation.

17/03/2016 - Read more

European innovation pathway critical following Paris climate agreement

A report published on the impact of the Paris Agreement concluded during COP21 on Europe’s chemical industry points to a need for a clear and coherent vision for innovation towards the low carbon economy.

10/03/2016 - Read more

Talking today at Platts Petchem Conference

Dorothee Arns is part of the panel discussion on the regulatory landscape of the petrochemical industry at Platts Petrochemicals Conference in Amsterdam.

03/03/2016 - Read more

EU40 Workshop

Dorothee Arns meeting today with ENVI/ITRE Assistants and Policy Advisor to talk about "Petrochemistry's relevance in the 21 Century". Read more...

02/03/2016 - Read more

EU chemicals sector facing flat growth in 2015

Brussels, February 25th 2016, In the midst of challenges for the competitiveness of the EU chemical industry, the latest monthly Cefic Chemical Trends Report shows a mixed outlook. 

26/02/2016 - Read more

Cefic welcomes EU Council Declaration on Competitiveness

Brussels, February 24th 2016, Cefic welcomes the European Declaration on Competitiveness adopted by the European Council and points to a number of factors that will be essential for its success. This is particularly critical as the competitiveness of Europe’s chemical industry faces increasing pressure. 

25/02/2016 - Read more

Public consultation on energy efficiency

In its response, Cefic urges a balanced approach taking into account the significant achievements of the chemical industry towards increasing its own and other sectors’ energy efficiency.

15/02/2016 - Read more

Cefic debates potential of ETS to deliver on low carbon future

In advance of highly anticipated discussions on the Commission’s proposals to reform Europe’s Emissions Trading System (ETS), Cefic took the opportunity to sit together with Bas Eickhout, MEP and Peter Zapfel from DG Climate, to look at ETS’ chances of delivering on the promise of December’s Paris agreement.

01/02/2016 - Read more

Cefic Joins Live Debate on Emissions Trading System (ETS) Reforms: 26 January, 1PM CET

Ahead of negotiations to reform the EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) for after 2020, Chris Scott-Wilson, Director of Public Affairs for Cefic, will join MEP Ian Duncan as well as Yvon Slingenberg, Senior Advisor, Cabinet of Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete, Climate Action & Energy, for a live panel debate.

26/01/2016 - Read more

Latest EU chemicals trends report now available

European chemicals production followed a flat trajectory, overall the trade surplus rose by €1.7bn while employment in the industry rose slightly, the second consecutive quarter of sector job growth*.

21/01/2016 - Read more

SPiCE3 energy efficiency project gets green light for phase 2

Cefic is pleased to announce a fresh investment round to support an innovative project designed to help European chemical companies to improve their energy efficiency. 

15/01/2016 - Read more

Cefic announces new Director General, Marco Mensink

“We are pleased to welcome Marco Mensink on board and are confident he will build on the success of Hubert Mandery..

08/01/2016 - Read more

2016 Expectations for the Downstream

Oil and gas experts summarizing for Downstream Europe their predictions for 2016.  "2015 Reloaded" says Dorothee Arns. See attached article, item 8.

06/01/2016 - Read more

Economic Outlook 2016 | European chemical industry forecast 1% growth for 2016

Cefic calls on policymakers to support conditions for long term growth

23/12/2015 - Read more

COP21 – Adopted agreement

The adopted agreement includes emission reductions based on national pledges to be reviewed every 5 years. The aim is for below 2C° and towards 1.5°C.

21/12/2015 - Read more

COP21 – European chemical industry congratulates governments on conclusions

After two weeks of negotiations, world leaders have put their signatures to a landmark agreement to cap carbon emissions in an unprecedented effort to keep global temperature rises below 2° Celsius by the end of the century.

14/12/2015 - Read more

COP21 agreement to stimulate innovation

COP21 provides the opportunity to remove current regulatory imbalances between the regions and create a fairer framework, says D Arns. Read more

07/12/2015 - Read more

What does the chemical industry expect from COP21?

Chemical industry leaders talk COP 21. Watch their video interview.

02/12/2015 - Read more

Flat output growth and low prices continue to impact chemicals sales

European chemical output grew just 0.3 per cent during the first eight months of 2015 compared to the same period of 2014, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report, while producer prices fell 4.5 per cent, year-on-year. 

23/11/2015 - Read more

UN climate summit to go ahead after Paris attacks

UN climate summit to go ahead after Paris attacks The French government vowed to push on with the United Nations climate summit in Paris starting this month and will boost security for the more than 120 world leaders […]

18/11/2015 - Read more

PEFTEC 2015 Industry Event 18 November

Petrochemicals Europe presenting at PEFTEC 2015 on "The petrochemical Industry in Europe: industrial emission and the BREF process."

12/11/2015 - Read more

European chemical industry chiefs back a strong global climate change agreement

On november 5th, 2015 leaders of Cefic, the European chemical industry association, published a signed letter in the Financial Times expressing its firm support for government’s efforts to secure a strong, globally binding climate change agreement at COP21 in Paris. 

05/11/2015 - Read more

Dorothee Arns invited at AIChE Lecture Dinner

On 5 November D Arns will be addressing the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) on the occasion of a lecture dinner meeting. Her speech will focus on "The European petrochemical industry - an industry at the crossroads."  Download the AIChE Invitation

28/10/2015 - Read more

REACH legislation: beyond 2018

Cefic welcomes the joint initiative taken by the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council and some EU member states to kick-start the reflection on the future of REACH 

22/10/2015 - Read more

Petrochemicals Industry committed to Climate Targets

"A lot of investments could be required to meet new environmental targets" says D Arns to ICIS. ICIS Interview 20151910  

22/10/2015 - Read more

FUEL magazine feature article

D Arns contributes to US-based magazine FUEL to article "From Molecules to Products: Petrochemicals' Global Rise" FUELMag

09/10/2015 - Read more

Oil prices alone do not solve EU’s problems

"The oil price drop will not solve Europe's competitiveness challenges" says D Arns to ICIS. Listen to the interview on YouTube.

07/10/2015 - Read more

Oil prices do not solve EU’s problems

The oil price drop will not solve Europe's competitiveness challenges says D Arns to ICIS. Listen to the interview on YouTube

07/10/2015 - Read more

Competitiveness Council on ETS reform

Cefic President Jean-Pierre Clamadieu calls upon EU ministers to make the reformed EU ETS compatible with a competitive European industry

07/10/2015 - Read more

Energy Sources Diversification?

POLITICO Europe talked with Dorothee Arns on the diversification of energy sources in Europe, including gas supply. https://vimeo.com/140225620

25/09/2015 - Read more

United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015

Cefic is looking forward to the adoption of a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by UN member states at a Summit on 25-27 September, replacing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) which expire this year.

24/09/2015 - Read more

Sluggish growth for EU chemicals sector

European chemical output grew just 0.2 per cent during the first half of 2015 compared to the same period of 2014 Cefic Chemicals Trends Report 26 August

26/08/2015 - Read more

Maximising Propylene Yields Conference

Petrochemicals Europe as a speaker on the global feedstock challenges and opportunities.  Frankfurt, 9-10 September. More info about the event

17/08/2015 - Read more

Cefic and Together For Sustainability

The European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) and Together for
Sustainability AISBL have established an official partnership ...

11/08/2015 - Read more

Little fresh thinking in Commission ETS reform proposals, says Cefic

Cefic is disappointed with  the Commission’s proposals for reforming the EU Emissions Trading System, unveiled on July 15.

23/07/2015 - Read more

UK Chemicals healthiest in Europe

UK chemical sector production is set to grow by a healthy 2.5% this year, fuelled by strong domestic demand growth and export mark says UK Trade Group CIA

16/07/2015 - Read more

Stagnant growth for the EU chemicals sector

European chemical output grew just 0.3 per cent during the first four months of 2015 compared to the same period of 2014, says Cefic.

13/07/2015 - Read more

Sustainable Chemistry in Action: A close look at how science can change the world for the better

Science and sustainable chemistry has had an enormous impact on the development of a healthier and more sustainable and prosperous society...

13/07/2015 - Read more

Cefic voices support for an international climate change agreement

In just six months’ time, COP-21, the United Nations climate change conference, will start in Paris.  The talks are expected to deliver an international climate change agreement covering all countries.

18/06/2015 - Read more

IEA: Energy emissions can peak 10 years early, if fossil fuels targeted

Peak energy emissions could be reached early, the IEA has said. Read more  ...

17/06/2015 - Read more

Bayer MaterialScience To Be Named Covestro

Branding: The new company should be independent by mid-2016

04/06/2015 - Read more

EU chemicals output stagnates as prices fall

European chemical output grew just 0.1 per cent during the first two months of 2015, latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report says.

29/05/2015 - Read more

2015 Global Petrochemicals Conference

Petrochemicals Europe addressing the audience of the GPC on June 10 in Düsseldorf on the industry's regulatory environment.

18/05/2015 - Read more

TTIP: Landing the right deal

AmCham EU and Cefic hosted on May 12 a joint event on The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

15/05/2015 - Read more

EMEA Aromatics & Olefins Conference

Taking place in Athens on June 9-10, this IHS event is support by Petrochemicals Europe.  

29/04/2015 - Read more

US Shale Gas Advantage Will Hold, ACC Chief Says

US chemical producers remain upbeat on their shale gas cost advantage, despite recent steep declines in the price of crude oil.

24/04/2015 - Read more

Cefic sells ReachCentrum to ERM

Cefic subsidiary ReachCentrum has been acquired by Environmental Resources Management (ERM).

20/04/2015 - Read more

EU chemicals output stagnant in 2014

Trade surplus in 2014 contracts from all-time high.

20/04/2015 - Read more

EU ETS pushes emissions down five per cent

New European Union figures suggest greenhouse gas emissions policed by the EU’s carbon trading platform dropped by nearly five per cent last year despite a 1.3 per cent growth in GDP. Preliminary figures from the European Commission appeared to show ...

09/04/2015 - Read more

Chemical connections

New Cefic brochure explores promise of global chemicals trade.

16/03/2015 - Read more

Global Refining and Petrochemicals Summit 2015

One of the key speakers to this event will be Dr W Mirabella, Chairman of the EFOA Fuels Team who will address the audience on "The Role Of Fuel-Ethers As High-Performance Gasoline Blend-Stocks".

16/03/2015 - Read more

Stagnant growth in 2014 for EU chemicals sector

EU chemicals output edged ahead just 0.3 per cent in 2014 on a year-on-year basis, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report.

02/03/2015 - Read more

Strenghts and weaknesses of the petrochemical industry

Platts interviewed Dorothee Arns on the strenghts and weaknesses of the petrochemical industry in Europe. Listen to the podcast

18/02/2015 - Read more

IEA releases Oil Market Report for February

With OPEC and non-OPEC output already slowed, cut in cap-ex seen lowering 2015 non-OPEC supply growth outlook

13/02/2015 - Read more

ETBE remains the favoured gasoline bio-component – Producer

LONDON (ICIS)--Ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) remains the bio-component of choice for gasoline blenders because it continues to offer better...

13/02/2015 - Read more

INEOS slams Environmental Audit Committee Report on Fracking

INEOS, one of the world’s largest chemical companies, today hit out at the Environmental Audit Committee’s (EAC) proposal to call a halt to Shale gas development in the UK.

02/02/2015 - Read more

Providing a sustainable future

An editorial from Cefic President Jean-Pierre Clamadieu

02/02/2015 - Read more

New European Chemical industry facts and figures 2014!

Find out the most up-to-date market information based on currently available data about the Chemical Sector.
Read more

22/01/2015 - Read more

EU chemicals sector grew modestly in the first ten months of 2014

European chemical output edged up  just 0.7 per cent during the first ten months of 2014, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report.

21/01/2015 - Read more

Q3 2014 Production Statistics

Ethylene, Propylene and Butadiene production statistics for Q3 2014 available now in our Facts & Figures section.

08/01/2015 - Read more

Drop in Europe December ethanolamines contracts less than ethylene

LONDON (ICIS)--European ethanolamines contract prices have fallen a moderate amount for December, but price decreases have been limited by poor...

18/12/2014 - Read more

EU chemicals sector grew modestly in the first nine months of 2014

Capacity utilisation highest in three years, employment up for third consecutive quarter.

11/12/2014 - Read more

Shale gas extraction

Issues of specific concerns within the debate about the exploitation of Europe's shale gas potential.  EASAC report.

11/12/2014 - Read more

Maximising Propylene Yields

How to face forthcoming propylene shortage? How to bridge the supply gap? Petrochemicals Europe to take part in the Conference 9-10 December in Frankfurt.

05/12/2014 - Read more

Chemical industry guarded about its European future

SPECIAL REPORT: The European chemical sector has issued a “very serious” warning about its slumping competitiveness, but refuses to be alarmist just yet, saying shareholders should not worry, that big industrial groups are now global, and less exposed to Europe.  

01/12/2014 - Read more

Industry alliance releases new manifesto

Industry groups, including Cefic, lists seven priorities for EU policy leaders to act on.

28/11/2014 - Read more

New study shows decline in EU chemicals sector global competitiveness

Low-cost energy, innovation key in addressing EU market share ‘dilution’ and in reversing export decline.

20/11/2014 - Read more

Shale Energy Revolution

Shale Development Educational Resources published by the American Fuels & Petroleum Manufacturers (AFMP) provides comprehensive information on the impact of Shale.

03/11/2014 - Read more

New website for Propylene Glycols

The Propylene Glycol website has been thoroughly revamped: a new look, new DPG section, extended FAQ, etc

03/11/2014 - Read more

MEP seeks to use ETS fix to help industry

Carbon leakage provisions should be strengthened after 2020 to protect industrial competitiveness after the ETS is fixed, according to one of the EU lawmakers leading work on ETS reform.

31/10/2014 - Read more

Output stalls for EU chemicals sector in first seven months 2014

European chemicals production was flat in the first seven months of 2014, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report.

23/10/2014 - Read more

IEA releases Oil Market Report for October

Reduced economic outlook contributes to cut in global oil demand growth outlook, even as output surges

16/10/2014 - Read more

Q2 2014 Production Statistics

Petrochemicals production data for Western Europe + NO  available now.

16/10/2014 - Read more

IHS expects global petrochemical demand to outpace GDP

IHS Chemical expects global demand to rise for certain petrochemical building blocks. more

08/10/2014 - Read more

More than a new name

"The petrochemicals industry has a significant impact on EU economy" says D Arns in an interview with Downstream Today. Read more.

17/09/2014 - Read more

Petrochemicals Flowchart Revamped

Petrochemicals Europe's flowchart informs the public on the vital role of petrochemicals in everyday life.

17/09/2014 - Read more

Western European market review

The data covering year 2013 ethylene, propylene and benzene consumption, production and trade balance is now available.

05/09/2014 - Read more

Chemicals safety in the value chain

What has the industry  been doing and continues to do in order to ensure its products are handled and used safely at every step? Cefic shows in this video "How the European chemical industry manages safe use of chemicals".

05/09/2014 - Read more

EU chemicals sector sluggish in first half 2014

Contractions in May, June drag on mid-year performance.

03/09/2014 - Read more

Commodity Pulse: Metals and petrochemicals lead the way for changes in automotive input costs

After years of recession, the increasingly globalised automotive industry is expanding into fertile new markets. Platts editors analyze the challenges car makers face, the impact of steel prices, and the effects of narrowing price spreads on tire makers.

25/08/2014 - Read more

INEOS moves into UK shale gas exploration

INEOS has today announced it is making its first move into the shale exploration arena, with the purchase of a 51% share of the shale section of a joint Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence (PEDL) in the UK.

25/08/2014 - Read more

EU Chemicals output up 1.8 per cent during first five months of year

The data from May, however, show EU chemicals output declining on the back of eight successive months of positive growth. Petrochemicals output also continued to slide. Cefic Chemicals Trends Report, July 2014.

24/07/2014 - Read more

Jobs and Growth

As already circulated to MEPs in Strasbourg, find out Cefic's key messages to ensure the competitiveness of the chemical industry in the EU. Jobs and growth start with the real economy July15 2014

16/07/2014 - Read more

Bio Based Industries JTI: A Major Advance towards the Bioeconomy

Today (July 9) the European Technology Platform (ETP) for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) welcomes the launch of the Bio Based Industries Joint Technology Initiative (BBI JTI). This major Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) represents a significant step forward to the realisation of a European bioeconomy.

10/07/2014 - Read more

New booklet explores chemicals safety

Cefic released this week a new brochure  that aims to raise people’s awareness about the importance of chemical products in their daily lives.

03/07/2014 - Read more

Q1 2014 Production data

Western European petrochemicals production data highest since Q3 2011.

03/07/2014 - Read more

EU chemicals sector expands for eighth consecutive month

EU chemicals output expanded in April, continuing a stretch of above trend year-on-year monthly growth that started in September 2013, according to the Cefic Chemicals Trends Report released today.

01/07/2014 - Read more

Chemical industry benefits from general economic recovery

EU chemicals output will grow by 2.0% this year, driven by rising demand from customer industries.

23/06/2014 - Read more

Low-carbon technologies key to meeting EU emissions targets

While energy-efficiency gains are needed to lower Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions, low-carbon technologies are also crucial if we are to meet ambitious EU emissions targets in the long term, new comparative research concludes.

13/06/2014 - Read more

“Petrochemicals Europe” unveiled

New brand name for the Association of Petrochemicals Producers in Europe.

05/06/2014 - Read more

INEOS wins Petrochemicals Award

INEOS has won the prestigious “Outstanding Contribution to the Chemical Industry Award” at the 2nd annual Petrochemicals Awards of Excellence.

05/06/2014 - Read more

Producers confident that MTBE is not an endocrine disruptor

EFOA believes a full review of the substance's REACH registration due in 2014 will conclude that MTBE is not an endocrine disruptor.

04/06/2014 - Read more

EU chemicals sector grows for fourth consecutive quarter

European chemicals quarterly output increased for the fourth consecutive time, according to the Cefic Chemicals Trends Report released on May 27.  

30/05/2014 - Read more

Global Petrochemicals Conference

Addressing the audience on "The European petrochemical industry in challenging times", Dorothee Arns is a keynote speaker at this Global Petrochemicals conference on 3 June in Berlin.

12/05/2014 - Read more

EU chemicals sector expands for fourth consecutive month

EU chemicals sales rise, but remain below pre-crisis levels.

24/04/2014 - Read more

Commission unveils overhaul of renewable energy subsidies

New guidelines will ease the burden of increasing prices on intensive industry.

10/04/2014 - Read more

Op-Ed: TTIP – a remarkable opportunity

EurActiv published on March 31an op-ed by Cefic Director General Hubert Mandery on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

01/04/2014 - Read more

Petrochemicals infographic: Global polyethylene trade flows

Platts petrochemical analysis team have joined forces with our design & production department to produce what we think is a beautifully crafted infographic on global trade flows for polyethylene. It also details surplus and deficit totals and includes key trend points, statistics and forecasts going out all the way to 2023.

27/03/2014 - Read more

EU-China strategic partnership ‘paves way’ for more cooperation

With Chinese president Xi Jinping visiting Brussels at the end of March, Rajnish Singh takes a look at cooperation between Beijing and the European Union

20/03/2014 - Read more

Aromatics website gets a facelift

Located at www.aromaticsonline.eu the new website of the Aromatics Producers Association contains up-to-date information on the science and the chemistry behind aromatics, their major fields of applications, the sustainable development of aromatics and much more besides.

20/03/2014 - Read more

Building efficiency sector: The 2030 debate was a set-up

Berlaymont 03 The EU’s climate establishment rigged the debate on 2030 targets with stacked projections for energy efficiency savings discounts, and wildly optimistic assumptions about the carbon market, according to buildings efficiency industry and NGO sources.  

14/03/2014 - Read more

Open Letter to Mr José Manuel Barroso,

Strategically, and economically, no large economy should abandon its chemical industry. Open Letter to Mr José Manuel Barroso, President European Commission

10/03/2014 - Read more

European renewable energy lobby liquidated

The dissolution of EREC after a decade in existence comes as the Commission has proposed to scrap renewable-energy targets after 2020.

10/03/2014 - Read more

EU chemicals output growth flat in 2013

Year ends with overall strong December, despite petrochemicals contraction.

07/03/2014 - Read more

Latest Facts & Figures report now available

Cefic released this month its latest Facts and Figures report, providing the most up-to-date information about the EU chemicals sector.

26/02/2014 - Read more

Energy efficiency boosts competitiveness

European industry is decoupling its performance from energy consumption.

17/02/2014 - Read more

Chemicals sector faces fragile recovery

Output expands in November despite steep drop in petrochemicals.

14/02/2014 - Read more

Evonik’s Oil Additives Team Publishes New Product Application Guide

Evonik’s oil additives team has created a product application guide as a new tool for its customers to aid in the selection of its oil ...

06/02/2014 - Read more

MEPs’ 2030 vote should be based on fact, not fiction

The real competitiveness of Europe’s industry depends on reducing energy intensity levels, not killing investment in the green collar jobs of tomorrow, argues Monica Frassoni, president of the European Alliance to Save Energy.  

06/02/2014 - Read more

Commission misses opportunity to marry industrial, energy and climate policies

Cefic provides statement on a series of EU Commission policy papers released on industrial, energy and climate change.

27/01/2014 - Read more

Cefic supports Commission shale gas strategy

Exploration and production of unconventional gas must now move ahead.

23/01/2014 - Read more

Commission plans structural reform of ETS

EU to set up ‘stability reserve’ that will automatically withhold or add allowances at set price levels.

23/01/2014 - Read more

Commission prepares guidelines on shale gas

Plan to propose legislation harmonising rules on fracking to be scrapped in favour of non-binding advice.

15/01/2014 - Read more

EU chemical industry faces fragile recovery

EU chemicals production in October expanded by 1.8 per cent compared to the year prior, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report released on January 9.

13/01/2014 - Read more

Total ‘to invest in UK shale gas’

French oil and gas company Total is to invest in the UK's shale gas industry, it is to be announced on Monday.

13/01/2014 - Read more

Big EU guns fire for crucial 2030 renewable targets

Ministers from eight EU states - including Germany and France - have called on the European Commission to set “robust” renewable energy targets for 2030, in a break with an emerging consensus for one emissions-cutting goal alone.   

08/01/2014 - Read more

Op-ed: Serious about European competitiveness? Go for shale gas.

An opinion piece by Cefic Director General Hubert Mandery looks at the debate on shale gas and how it can help Europe remain competitive.

24/12/2013 - Read more

Chemicals sector applauds EU Horizon 2020 launch

Cefic welcomes the launch today of Horizon 2020 through its first calls by Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, and applauds this ambitious commitment by the EU to fund excellent science and innovation activities in Europe.

12/12/2013 - Read more

EU chemicals industry out of recession, but recovery fragile

EU chemicals production expanded in September by 0.7 per cent compared to the year prior, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report.

11/12/2013 - Read more

Ineos to Expand Norway Petchem Plant Capacity, Build Furnace

Ineos is building a new furnace at its petrochemical plant in Rafnes, Norway as it expands capacity to use ethane made from U.S. shale gas it will store in a tank under construction at the site, the chemicals and refinery company said on Tuesday.

06/12/2013 - Read more

First-ever joint Responsible Care, SPICE3 conference held

Event attendees see roll-out of new website for SPiCE³ energy efficiency programme.

05/12/2013 - Read more

EU Chemistry Employment Survey

In which European country do chemists and chemical engineers enjoy the highest salary? Where are the best prospects for employment? And which of the various chemical sub-disciplines offer the most jobs?

04/12/2013 - Read more

BASF Produces First Commercial Renewable Butanediol

BASF has begun offering its first commercial volumes of 1,4-butanediol (BDO) produced from renewable raw material produced with dextrose-based fermentation technology licensed from U.S. bioplastics producer Genomatica.

29/11/2013 - Read more

Study: Insulation could save industry ¬3.5 billion a year

EXCLUSIVE / Better insulation could shave 4% off European industry’s total fuel consumption and emissions bill, a sum worth €3.5 billion a year, says an unpublished report by the Ecofys consultancy.  

27/11/2013 - Read more

EU in new push to revive the carbon market

EU diplomats agreed to begin talks on a legal text to slash permit supply and prop up carbon prices in the bloc's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), marking a big step forward for the divisive proposal.  

25/11/2013 - Read more

Modest deal breaks UN climate talks deadlock

Avoiding a last-minute breakdown, annual United Nations climate talks have limped forward with a modest set of decisions meant to pave the way for a new pact to fight global warming. More than 190 countries agreed in the Polish capital, ...

25/11/2013 - Read more

The shale revolution’s global footprint

The shale-energy revolution that started in the US is causing sweeping changes worldwide.

25/11/2013 - Read more

Biofuel reform in trouble

MEPs must choose between accepting a weak Council position on control of biofuel or handing the issue to the next Parliament

22/11/2013 - Read more

Global Carbon Emissions Rise to New Record In 2013

Global carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels will rise to a record 36 billion tons this year, a report by 49 researchers from 10 countries said, showing the failure of governments to rein in the main greenhouse gas blamed for global warming. The report by the Global Carbon Project, which compiles data from research institutes worldwide each year, was published in the journal Earth Systems Data Discussions on Tuesday.

20/11/2013 - Read more

EU chemicals sector output drops 1.1 per cent during first eight months of year

EU chemicals confidence improves in October, third quarter capacity utilisation increases to 79.2 per cent
of 2013 compared with the same period in 2012, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report released on November 8.

14/11/2013 - Read more

ICIS Innovation Awards 2013 Result

The winners of the ICIS Innovation Awards for 2013 have been announced. The awards were launched in 2004 and celebrated their tenth anniversary this year. The overall winner is selected from the winners of five individual categories (see below) and for 2013 the winning company is the Cabot Corporation.

14/11/2013 - Read more

Member states give support to ETS ‘backloading’ plan

Proposal was delayed because of split in German cabinet.

14/11/2013 - Read more

CO2: A Future, Renewable Feedstock?

The chemical industry's use of CO2 as a renewable resource can support EU chemical sector sustainable development and future competitiveness, said Dr. Gernot Klotz, Executive Director Research and Innovation at Cefic. Klotz addressed the importance of carbon dioxide as a renewable resource that can be considered a key strategy to support the European chemical sector's sustainable development and future competitiveness. 

06/11/2013 - Read more

First-ever Responsible Care energy efficiency award granted

Scottish operation awarded for strong record in reaching greater energy efficiency.

06/11/2013 - Read more

Petrochemicals sector feels the pressure

The closure of Grangemouth highlights how an industry dogged by slow demand, overcapacity and high costs is struggling to compete

24/10/2013 - Read more

SPiCE3 energy-efficiency project adds partners

Cefic welcomes French and Spanish chemical industry associations as cooperating partners to the SPiCE³ project.

24/10/2013 - Read more

EIA to release initial shale well productivity report this week

The Energy Information Administration this week will start releasing monthly drilling productivity reports covering shale oil -More

23/10/2013 - Read more

EIP Water Conference Innovating Water

The first conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Water (EIP Water) entitled “Networking and Interacting – Innovating Water” will be held in Brussels on 21 November 2013.

22/10/2013 - Read more

Shale gas firms to be brought under robust new EU law

EXCLUSIVE / Shale gas companies operating in Europe will soon have to respect a muscular legislative package which the European Commission is preparing to publish in December or January, EurActiv has learned.  

22/10/2013 - Read more

Biofuel reform delayed indefinitely

Legislation will most likely pass into a second reading.

18/10/2013 - Read more

Chemistry remains at heart of EU Smart Cities agenda

Chemistry-based products for energy efficiency in buildings to play a critical role in Strategic Implementation Plan for Smart Cities and Communities

17/10/2013 - Read more

Germany wins backing of EU ministers to block car emissions law

EU environment ministers agreed yesterday (15 October) to German demands to scrap an agreement to cap EU car emissions that Berlin argued would cost jobs and damage its premium auto makers.

17/10/2013 - Read more

CO2 is a Resource for the Future of Europe

The Second Conference on CO2 as Feedstock for Chemistry and Polymers took place in Essen, Germany on 7 – 9 October 2013. The conference discussed a new paradigm for industrial chemical production...

14/10/2013 - Read more

Graeme Sweeney: We must reset our approach to CCS

Recent setbacks for carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology underline the need for realistic ambition, innovative funding and urgent regulatory action, argues Graeme Sweeney. Graeme Sweeney...

14/10/2013 - Read more

MEPs demand shale gas impact assessments

Vote narrowly in favour of environmental impact assessments for fracking projects.

14/10/2013 - Read more

Shale gas firms face EU methane emissions regulation

flaring Shale gas companies operating in Europe will soon have to monitor, log and account for methane emissions at drill sites or else face regulation, the EU’s top climate officer has said.    The amount of methane released into the atmosphere during shale gas drills is disputed, with one new industry-funded report suggesting it could be less than previously thought.  

11/10/2013 - Read more

2013 Nobel Prize In Chemistry

Awards: Karplus, Levitt, and Warshel honored for modeling complex chemical systems

10/10/2013 - Read more

EU chemicals sector output drops 1.4 per cent during first seven months of year

EU chemicals production decreased by 1.4 per cent during the first seven months of 2013 compared with the same period in 2012, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report.

10/10/2013 - Read more

EU closing in on 20% emissions reduction target

EU on course to hit 2020 carbon targets, but some individual states in danger of falling behind in renewables and efficiency sectors

10/10/2013 - Read more

Europe must ‘fundamentally reform’ its climate policy

With Europe's dependence on energy and raw materials increasing, there is an urgent need to overhaul the EU's climate policies, writes Konrad Szymanski

04/10/2013 - Read more

IPCC carbon budget sets countries tough challenge

For the first time UN scientists have set a limit on the amount of greenhouse gases that can be released - but is there a short-term alternative?

03/10/2013 - Read more

Grangemouth applies for guarantee to convert to shale

Ineos says future of chemical plant threatened by decline of North Sea gas, its main raw material, and it could close by 2017 if plan does not go ahead

02/10/2013 - Read more

IPCC Scientist: Climate change will hit Europe s competitiveness

One of the lead authors of a key UN climate report launched on Friday (27 September) has told EurActiv that Europe’s business competitiveness would be badly hit by global warming of the sort most scientists now believe is likely to arise this century.  

02/10/2013 - Read more

Shale gas boom prompts LyondellBasell to move R&D center to Texas

The booming shale natural gas development in the U.S.  -More

02/10/2013 - Read more

Lord Stern: It would be absurd to underestimate climate change risks

The IPCC report shows the risks are 'immense', and it would be unscientific to ignore the evidence, says the economist.The latest international assessment of climate science makes it crystal clear the risks are "immense"...  

25/09/2013 - Read more

Fifth European Innovation Summit to put Innovation at the Heart of Europe

Every year, the Knowledge4Innovation association (K4I) - a group of MEPs who believe that innovation is vital to creating economic growth and jobs in Europe - gather together all the most important players in this area for a three-day event that aims to put innovation at the centre of the political debate.

16/09/2013 - Read more

MEPs back biofuel cap, but fail to secure a mandate for talks

Commission proposal wins narrow approval.

14/09/2013 - Read more

The global outlook for styrene (podcast)

Platts petrochemical team delves into the outlook for styrene prices, especially global supply constraints and what makes styrene a safe bet for 2013.

11/09/2013 - Read more

Uncertainty over Parliament biofuel vote

Vote may be delayed or sent back to committee rather than have unclear mandate in negotiations with member states.

11/09/2013 - Read more

The Big Biofuels Debate: Report


09/09/2013 - Read more

France s Total Said to Be Eyeing Closure of Carling cracker

French petrochemicals group Total is said to be close to announcing a shutdown of its loss-making steam cracker at Carling, in northeastern France. The cracker's viability is no longer assured, due to overcapacity in the market generally and the lack of back-integration into the refinery at the site.

04/09/2013 - Read more

Carbon Dioxide for Chemistry and Polymers

For the second consecutive year, experts will gather in Germany to discuss the subject of carbon dioxide (CO2) as the feedstock of the future. This will be the biggest event on CO2 as chemical feedstock this year bringing new insights into the utilisation of carbon dioxide.

30/08/2013 - Read more

Researchers revise ‘overestimated’ biofuels subsidies

Experts, who estimated that the biofuels industry received the equivalent of a €10-billion “Cyprus bailout” in public support in 2011, have shaved the figure by a fifth.  

30/08/2013 - Read more

Why the word ‘sustainability’ should be banned | Doug King

The word has become so corrupted as to not only be meaningless, but to actually obscure the real issues While the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that became all the rage some time ag...

30/08/2013 - Read more

Evonik Innovation Center recognized for sustainability

New building certified by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) Evonik has invested close to €17 million in the new ...

28/08/2013 - Read more

Evonik ‘Significantly’ Expanding Oil Additives in Singapore

German specialty chemicals producer Evonik said it will "significantly" expand its oil additives production at Jurong Island in Singapore by 2015 through production improvements and debottlenecking. All the measures combined will nearly double output of the site.

28/08/2013 - Read more

UN scientists need to revive climate change drive

As United Nations scientists put the final touches to the first volume of a massive report that will give the world the most detailed picture yet of climate change, they carry a heavy responsibility. Due to be unveiled in the ...

28/08/2013 - Read more

Feike Sijbesma, DSM chief

The head of the Dutch nutrition and chemicals company wants to transform global manufacturing into an environmentally sustainable activity

21/08/2013 - Read more

Cellulosic ethanol is on the brink of reaching commercial scale

Several cellulosic ethanol plants are expected to go online in the next 18 months, brightening the prospects for meeting the  -More

16/08/2013 - Read more

ETS still vulnerable to fraud – report

Carbon trading is the world's fastest growing commodity market, but Interpol says it is still underregulated.

12/08/2013 - Read more

EU-backed project taps wastewater to produce biofuel alternative

Backed by EU financing, a Spanish water company this week produced its first crop of algae that will be used to manufacture biofuel as an alternative to the more controversial crop-based transport fuels.  

12/08/2013 - Read more

Saudi warning about effect of falling oil demand

Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal has warned that the Persian Gulf Arab kingdom needs to reduce its reliance on crude oil and diversify its revenues. He expressed particular concern at rising United States shale energy supplies, which are cutting ...

31/07/2013 - Read more

Shale gas boom increasing chemical exports, freight tanker rates

The increase in chemical exports to Asia, spurred by U.S.  -More

31/07/2013 - Read more

EU chemicals output drops 2.1 per cent through May

EU chemicals production contracted 2.1 per cent in the first five months of 2013 on a year-on-year basis, notes latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report.

26/07/2013 - Read more

Cefic welcomes roadmap to improve REACH chemical safety reports and safety data sheets

ECHA has today published its roadmap to improve the REACH chemical safety reports and safety data sheets, in a joint initiative between ECHA, Member States and industry associations.

18/07/2013 - Read more

Chemicals industry joins forces with other high-tech sectors to promote growth and jobs

Chemicals industry joins forces with other high-tech sectors to push new innovation policy for Europe through the deployment of Key Enabling Technologies.

18/07/2013 - Read more


Rapporteur's report on the Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC) adopted by EU Parliament's ENVI Commitee with 43 votes in favour and 26 against.

12/07/2013 - Read more

ILUC factors could jeopardise how we measure the carbon footprint of a product

As the EU seeks to address whether biofuels production increases greenhouse gas emissions and whether to tackle the issue by including indirect land use change (ILUC) factors in the environmental assessments, it has ignored the fact that ILUC can neither be observed nor measured and is therefore not a scientifically robust  solution, says Matthias Finkbeiner.  

12/07/2013 - Read more

European Commission takes steps to strengthen innovative chemical industry

The European Commission officially promotes large set of public-private partnerships under research and innovation program Horizon2020.

11/07/2013 - Read more

Cefic issues statement on European Parliament ETS plenary vote

Cefic responds to European Parliament plenary vote in favour of ETS backloading proposal, calling the decision detrimental to energy-intensive industries in Europe like chemicals.

04/07/2013 - Read more

Europe must invest in research, argues MEP

The EU needs to focus spending on research, not bureaucracy, writes Catherine Bearder

03/07/2013 - Read more

EU will face severe consequences if it does not support carbon capture and storage (Opinion)

Five years ago the EU was the world leader in championing carbon capture and storage (CCS) but it has since slipped from the top spot due to a lack of investment in this essential part of the EU's objective to reduce carbon emissions, writes Graeme Sweeney.

01/07/2013 - Read more

EU Commission Vice President Tajani discusses energy, raw materials costs with chemicals industry

Chemicals industry executives participated in a roundtable meeting on June 25 with EU Commissioner Antonio Tajani, EU Member States’ representatives, Commission services and other stakeholders.

28/06/2013 - Read more

Cefic launches new water management project

The chemical industry has presented a new flagship initiative to bring sustainable water use to the next level.

26/06/2013 - Read more

Commission hamstrung in Brussels buildings renovation drive (News)

Berlaymont 01 SPECIAL REPORT / The Brussels Capital Region is probably the most ambitious in Europe in terms of introducing energy efficiency in buildings, industry sources tell EurActiv, but the European Commission’s ageing building stock has not yet reaped the benefits.

26/06/2013 - Read more

EU reaches deal to cut automotive carbon emissions (News)

The European Union has agreed a compromise deal to enforce stricter rules on carbon dioxide emissions for all new EU automobiles from 2020.

26/06/2013 - Read more

Germany eyes ‘green’ fracking solution

German geologists plan to campaign for greater public acceptance of hydraulic fracking in Europe's biggest economy, saying there is scope to make the shale gas industry more environmentally friendly, according to a report.

26/06/2013 - Read more

New roadmap explores technologies that improve chemical industry energy use, emissions intensity

New IEA / ICCA / DECHEMA joint report concludes that emerging and breakthrough technologies promise indispensable energy efficiency improvements.

26/06/2013 - Read more

SusChem and Smart Cities at EUSEW13

SusChem will be actively engaged at the EU’s Sustainable Energy Week 2013 (EUSEW 2013) this week (24 to 28 June). SusChem's chemistry-based key innovation proposals was a big hit at the Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform Annual Conference in Budapest and information on our Smart Cities Innovation initiatives will be available at the Smart Cities desk at the Committee of the Regions venue in Brussels....

26/06/2013 - Read more


Key MEPs and European Commission representatives attended an EFOA lunch debate organised at the European Parliament on 19 June. "Making the right choices for EU Biofuels Policy” was the main theme of the debate with a special focus on the true performances of biofuels and specifically bio-ethers in terms of reduction of CO2 emissions, energy content, as well as other environ

24/06/2013 - Read more

Parliament committee votes to prop up EU’s ailing carbon market (News)

The European Parliament's Environment Committee has given its support to a compromise plan to boost the price of allowances on the EU's carbon market.

24/06/2013 - Read more

Expert: Shale gas to play big role in U.S. economic renaissance

The U.S. is on the verge of a new economic boom as the energy and manufacturing sectors see expansions, according to business writer Charles Morris.  -More

21/06/2013 - Read more

European Parliament Industry committee vote on measures to reduce ILUC effects of biofuels

The Industry (ITRE) Committee of the European Parliament today voted to amend a proposal from the European Commission to reduce the amount of fuel produced from energy and food crops for fuels under the Renewable Energy Directive and Fuel Quality Directive. readmore

20/06/2013 - Read more

Biofuel debate heats up ahead of committee votes

Energy committee to vote on proposal to limit the type of biofuel that can be used to meet EU renewable energy target.

20/06/2013 - Read more

SusChem proposes Priority Materials Topics for Horizon 2020

SusChem has published its preliminary analysis of research needs for materials in the early calls of Horizon 2020, as the result of ongoing dialogue with stakeholders and value chain partners undertaken by SusChem’s Materials Working Group...

17/06/2013 - Read more

World leaders warned on risks of climate change (News)

SPECIAL REPORT / With time running short to agree a post-2020 international deal to tackle climate change, a new report warns that inaction puts the world at risk of greater climate volatility.

17/06/2013 - Read more

BASF launches online version of Creating Chemistry magazine

BASF has launched an online version of its global magazine “Creating Chemistry.” At www.creating-chemistry.basf.com the company provides insights into future challenges in the areas of resources, environment and climate; food and nutrition; and quality of life.

12/06/2013 - Read more

INEOS Styrenics is to close Expandable Polystyrene plant at its Marl facility at the end of 2013.

INEOS Styrenics is to close Expandable Polystyrene plant at its Marl facility at the end of 2013.

12/06/2013 - Read more

EU official: shale gas el dorado out of Europe’s reach (News)

A senior European Commission official has poured cold water on claims that a shale gas boom in Europe would result in de-facto low gas prices. 

12/06/2013 - Read more

Smart Chemistry at Smart Cities Stakeholder

SusChem has just published a new report - ‘Innovative Chemistry for Energy Efficiency of Buildings in Smart Cities’ - outlining where Key Innovations in chemistry can make an immediate impact to improve energy efficiency during the refurbishment of buildings...

10/06/2013 - Read more

EU Sustainable Energy Week 2013

Following the tremendous interest in SusChem’s chemistry-based proposals for increasing energy efficiency in buildings shown at the Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform Annual Conference in Budapest stakeholders will be interested in the events being organised during the EU’s Sustainable Energy Week 2013 (EUSEW 2013) in late June....

10/06/2013 - Read more

Shale gas: 4,000 holes in Lancashire

Following claims that one UK region may have enough gas to meet the UK’s needs for 60 years, there is talk of a gas renaissance

10/06/2013 - Read more

Centrica in shale talks with Cuadrilla

Cuadrilla, the only company to have ‘fracked’ for gas in the UK, is at the forefront of efforts to exploit the country’s unconventional gas reserves

07/06/2013 - Read more

Got ideas for a Sustainable Future?

YourFormula.eu – the Sustainability blogging platform - is running a great new competition: “Your ideas for a sustainable future”. The competition aims to encourage young people living in the EU to share their views on how chemistry can ensure that the way we live on our planet and use its resources becomes more sustainable. The best entry wins an iPad...

07/06/2013 - Read more

Nontoxic Solvents Extract Compounds From Plants

Natural Products: Green solvents made from mixtures of cellular metabolites coax pigments from safflowers

07/06/2013 - Read more

First quarter EU chemicals sector slides 2.1 per cent

EU chemicals production contracted 2.1 per cent in first quarter 2013 compared with the same period in 2012, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report.

03/06/2013 - Read more

Chemical industry passes second REACH registration deadline

The chemical industry has met the second REACH deadline today, registering chemical substances that are manufactured or imported in quantities of more than 100 tonnes per year.

03/06/2013 - Read more

EU ‘needs framework’ to explore shale gas

Europe needs an EU-wide framework if it is to tap into its shale gas reserves quickly enough to reap the benefit, a senior executive at Chevron said on Tuesday.

29/05/2013 - Read more

Biobased Route Draws BASF, Evonik

Renewables: New deals with Genomatica, OPX Bio signal confidence in microbial technologies

28/05/2013 - Read more

Innovative chemistry forms foundation of smart cities

The European chemicals sector took part in the High Level Group for Smart Cities and Communities that met to discuss urgency need to develop smart cities.

23/05/2013 - Read more

Shale gas a ‘new North Sea’, says IoD

Report setting out the practicalities of building the industry calls for environmental disclosure and for local authorities to get a share of gains

22/05/2013 - Read more

Back to the future with shale gas (Opinion)

Ever wondered how the shale gas debate might seem with the benefit of hindsight? So has Stefan Schleicher of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research in Vienna.

22/05/2013 - Read more

EU warned against US-style shale gas boom

The European Union’s climate chief says closer cooperation between European countries and an emphasis on energy efficiency will be more effective at lowering prices in Europe than dreams about a United States-style shale gas boom. Speaking at the European Business ...

17/05/2013 - Read more

Climate change policy must balance need for competitive energy prices

Competitively priced energy will be essential if the European Union is to deliver jobs and growth alongside progress in combating climate change, EU chemicals industry group Cefic said today at a business event in Brussels.

17/05/2013 - Read more

EU chemicals sector output contracts in January after three month growth spurt

EU chemicals production fell by 1.6 per cent in January 2013 compared to January 2012, according to the latest Cefic Chemicals Trends Report released on April 8.

17/05/2013 - Read more

New fracking rules attempt to placate opposing camps

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration on Thursday unveiled a new proposal for regulating hydraulic fracturing on federal lands, rolling back some measures from its original, abandoned draft as it sought to ease concerns the rules would be too burdensome for producers.

17/05/2013 - Read more

Feedstock shift for olefins production and its impact (video)

As America drives to develop shale gas aggressively, its impact on the asian petrochemicals industry remains a hot topic of interest. In this video, Shahrin Ismaiyatim, Wong Wen Yin, and Chen Hui Xin assess the impact of shale gas development on olefins production on olefins production and other alternative feedstocks producers are looking at.

15/05/2013 - Read more

EU leaders to square the circle of cheap energy

EXCLUSIVE / EU leaders will grapple with controversial issues including shale gas development and climate change mitigation at an energy summit on 22 May, documents obtained by EurActiv show.

13/05/2013 - Read more

Biofuels industry sent ‘three mails an hour’ in ILUC lobby offensive

EXCLUSIVE / Biofuels companies and associations sent EU cabinet members three e-mails an hour, many containing catastrophic warnings, in the run-up to a recent European Commission proposal to account for greenhouse gas emissions.

10/05/2013 - Read more

BASF’s university job sparks green fury over biased science (News)

The Pesticide Action Network has accused the German chemicals company BASF of buying credibility for industry views within academia, after one of its employee was offered a professorship at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

09/05/2013 - Read more

Cefic energy roadmap charts new course for balanced EU policy

Cefic published on April 22 its energy roadmap, titled "European chemistry for growth: Unlocking a competitive, low carbon and energy efficient economy."

08/05/2013 - Read more

A roadmap to a global legal regime for climate action (Opinion)

The Durban summit marked a breakthrough in introducing a new phase of international climate policy and it was the EU that paved the way for the others to follow its ambitious climate strategy, writes Connie Hedegaard, European Commissioner for Climate Action.

06/05/2013 - Read more

Statistical Monitoring of the European Plastics Industry

Latest business developments in plastics manufacturing, processing and machinery building. View here the latest developments (Issue 26/04/2013 / Expiration 15/05/2013)

06/05/2013 - Read more

MEPs agree on carbon price intervention (News)

Members of the environment committee in the European Parliament have approved an amendment to the proposed Energy Efficiency Directive that is to see carbon prices go up.

06/05/2013 - Read more

The EU must come together on the green climate fund (Opinion)

Lives and livelihoods in vulnerable countries hang in the balance while rich countries bicker over who will disburse climate cash, argues Wendel

06/05/2013 - Read more

UPDATE 1-Australia’s builders play down a construction-led economic reboot

SYDNEY, May 6 (Reuters) - Two of Australia's biggest building companies have dealt a blow to hopes that commercial and housing construction could help rebalance the faltering economy away from the overweight and slowing mining sector.

06/05/2013 - Read more

Hugo Chavez and Venezuela’s oil markets

Robert Sharp, associate editorial director, and Subhan Usmani, editor, discuss the affect of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's reign, including how Venezuela has changed from a huge exporter to an importer of gasoline from the US.

08/03/2013 - Read more

Has the hype peaked over SXSW?

In South by Southwest Interactive, the tech-geek festival that begins here Friday, some see a five-day spring break of sorts: a chance to discover some buzzy new apps, catch a few panels and party alongside Web celebrities, futurists and many, many bloggers.

08/03/2013 - Read more

Venezuela extends mourning for Chavez

The body of former Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, will be embalmed and laid to rest at a military museum in Caracas following the funeral, Venezuela's interim leader Nicolas Maduro said.

08/03/2013 - Read more

EU biofuels industry moves to tighten control of waste biofuels

Platts' biofuels team discusses the growing concern of fraud surrounding waste-derived biofuels, as the industry steps up efforts to curtail bogus trading practices.

01/03/2013 - Read more

Asian butadiene: price analysis (news feature)

Asian butadiene prices hit a more than six month high February 18 on tight availability amid the startup of new synthetic rubber plants in China and higher naphtha feedstock costs.

01/03/2013 - Read more

US LNG to challenge Spains exports to Asia, South America

Mike Rieke, editor in chief of LNG Daily, and Beatrice Bedeschi, associate editor for European Gas Daily, discuss the role of Italy and Spain in the global LNG market, in the light of the strengthening role of the US as an LNG exporter.

01/03/2013 - Read more

Northeast US natural gas prices skyrocket during cold snap

Platts' US natural gas team talks about the changes in prices and demand as markets try to settle back down after a cold snap in the northeast US sent natural gas prices and fuel oil prices in the area skyrocketing.

25/01/2013 - Read more
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